What’s the Difference Between Yoga and Pilates?

Both Yoga and Pilates are often put under the same category, they might look similar to you at first glance, which is true they’re both holistic complex activities which are based on mind and body connection. 

Pilates and Yoga are low impact exercises that can improve strength, flexibility and mindfulness suitable for all ages and levels of fitness. They both might look misleading as they often seem very relaxing and easy exercise, however it’s not true.

To sum up there are many similarities between Pilates and Yoga such as:

  • Emphasize on mind and body connection
  • Minimum or no equipment needed
  • Some similar exercises and poses
  • Using breathing techniques
  • Improve strength and flexibility

So, then what is the difference between Yoga and Pilates?

Principles of Yoga.

Yoga is not a work-out, it is a work-in, and this is the point of spiritual practice to make us teachable to open up our hearts and focus our awareness so that we can know what we already know and be who we already are.”

Yoga in Sanskrit means union. It unites your mind body and soul. Yoga is an ancient system of physical and spiritual practices, including different breathing techniques such as relaxation, chanting (mantras), and other meditation methods. There are of course some different styles of yoga such as:

  • Ashtanga yoga – based on specific sequences linked to breath and movement.
  • Hatha yoga – more gentle type of yoga, which focuses on physical and mental strength-building exercises and postures.
  • Hot yoga – or Bikram yoga is a practice of 26 yoga poses in a heated room ( app. 105 degrees Fahrenheit and 40 percent humidity).
  • Iyengar yoga – focuses on correct alignment in poses.
  • Kundalini yoga – more spiritual type of yoga, including breathing techniques, chanting and singing.
  • Vinyasa yoga – focusing on connecting the breath with repetitive movements.

and many other.

Yoga exercises put a lot of focus on self-discovery and self-consciousness. Modern Yoga in western countries mostly includes practicing the postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), relaxation, stretching and mediation. The focus is put more on the physical exercising and physical body.  I would highlight the following benefits:

  • Building up nice muscle strength
  • Improving flexibility
  • Opening up new horizons in mobility
  • Supporting health of your heart and blood vessels
  • Reducing stress and anxiety

Why choose Yoga?

Generally, Yoga classes can range from slow and relaxing to very intense and sweaty. You can always choose what suits you more, based on your mood, physical needs or fitness level.

If you seek a way to find a better connection with yourself and maintain a healthy and strong body – Yoga is definitely for you. The mediation part, which usually comes after the exercising itself, is a very attractive benefit of Yoga for people who seek stress relief. But keep in mind, that Yoga isn’t just about mediation and stretching, it is a complete philosophy.

Related: How Perfecting The Skill Of Mindfulness Helps Improve Your Diet

What about Pilates?

The Pilates method was designed by Joseph Hubertus Pilates, who started to popularize his method from late 20’s while he worked as a self-defense instructor at Scotland Yard.

Pilates as a method has a holistic approach – it not only trains the body, strengthen the muscles and giving you flexibility, but also promotes the mind-body connection. It balances mobility, strength and flexibility.

Building elements of the Pilates method are: entering, concentration, control, precision, breath and flow. Some exercises are very similar to Yoga postures, even using sometimes the same movement technique. However, breathing is completely different – in Yoga a full belly breath technique is implemented and you inhale and exhale both through your nose. Pilates breathing pattern to breathe in wide into the lungs / ribcage. This is called “lateral” or “intercostal” breathing, which increases focus, improves respiration, and when practiced continuously can lower your blood pressure.

Similar to Yoga, during a Pilates class, you get fully involved in the movements, your mind and whole nervous system is completely occupied. It is less spiritual and ceremonial, however also helps you to relax and concentrate on your inner self. There are also different directions and methodologies within Pilates:

  • Classical Pilates,
  • Mat Pilates,
  • Contemporary Pilates,
  • Reformer Pilates,
  • Clinical Pilates and many other

Related: The Benefits of Pilates – What Pilates Is Good For?

One big benefit of Pilates compared to Yoga is that it is safer. In terms of exercises, Pilates is a bit more ‘strict’ . For each exercises there is a whole guideline how to perform it correctly, including the breath, using the correct group of muscles and relaxing the muscles which are not used.  Pilates is trying to reduce pressure on joint and prevents overstretching of muscles and ligaments, while Yoga sometimes can go extreme on stretching and stressing the joint.

In terms of weight loss, Pilates would be a better option, as it is more intense and strength based. Persistent practicing of Pilates will get you healthy lean muscles and strong core. If you practice regularly, it will help you to change your body composition.

Summary. What to choose?

Yoga and Pilates are both wonderful for strengthening your body and relaxing your mind. The main criteria is: what makes you feel more better? A structured, logical and controlled exercising method or more spiritual, self-conscience and deep practice.

There are definitely some major aspects which you can take into account when you are choosing between them:

  • Pilates has more weight loss advantage due to higher intensity and more focus on muscle strength.
  • In case of any injury and pain, especially in your lower back, Pilates can provide you more support and reduce pain and discomfort.
  • Pilates can help you to relax and improve your mental health, but Yoga as an ancient method has more ways to find inner piece, reduce stress and anxiety.
  • The techniques might differ, but both Pilates and Yoga will help you to be more flexible.
  • Relaxation, mediation and breathing practices are usually part of every Yoga class. Additionally, you can find classes which are focusing only on breathing and mediation, if you feel like this is what you need to improve your well-being.

The easiest way to find out what suits you more is to try both! Try couple of classes or different types of each and you will be able to see for yourself which of them will make you happier, healthier and closer to your goals.

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