Turkey Lettuce Burgers Recipe

Try out our Turkey Lettuce Burgers from our Healthy recipes collection!


( 2 Servings)
450 g of Ground Turkey
1 cup of Spinach
1/4 cup of Onions
1 clove of Garlic
1 tbsp of Coconut Oil


(per serving)

Fat: 25 g
Carbs: 3 g
Protein: 40 g
Total Calories: 405 Calories


  1. Chop the spinach, onions and garlic and combine in a mixing bowl with the ground turkey, salt and pepper.
  2. Melt the coconut oil on medium heat in a pan.
  3. Form 6 patties and fry for 3-5 minutes each side.
  4. Once the burgers are ready add your favorite toppings on top of the patties and enjoy.
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