The Benefits of Pilates – What Pilates Is Good For?

Let’s start with a short history here. Joseph Hubertus Pilates (founder) started to popularize his method from late 20’s while he worked as a self-defense instructor at Scotland Yard. Later his exercise method gained favor in the dance community, and only a few years later he had his very own studio in the United States.

Why the popularity?

Pilates as a method has a holistic approach – it not only trains the body, strengthens the muscles and giving you flexibility, but also promotes the mind-body connection.

“Pilates is complete coordination of body, mind and spirit.”

Joseph Hubertus Pilates

Another thing that made pilates very popular in a short period of time is that this method is completely ‘ageless’ and does not require any special prerequisites. Whether you are an athlete, dancer or just want to improve your posture and coordination – you will find that pilates is perfectly tailored to any individual need. Literally everyone can benefit from thousands and thousands of exercises.

But let’s take a closer look on those benefits.

Full body workout

Of course, pilates as many other methods has a big emphasis on core work. However, core strength alone is not a key to success. Pilates exercises help to align your body or ‘to put everything in the right place’, so to say. Through series of coordinated movements, the overall structure of your body improves to support your joints and increase effectiveness.

Pilates balances mobility, strength and flexibility, who doesn’t want that, right? But, pilates might look easy to you at first sight but don’t get misguided. All exercises have it’s purpose and focus on a different muscle group. You might find yourself struggling even with the easiest-looking roll-ups!

Last but not least, it will help you to maintain, healthy and lean muscle mass, with a proper lifestyle of course!

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Improved posture

As mentioned above, correct body alignment is crucial for healthy body functions. Good posture is a reflection of this alignment. Nowadays a lot of people struggle with lower back pain, rounded shoulders, neck pain, headaches etc – all can be a result of bad posture and body misalignment.

From the very first movement pilates will help you to improve your posture and make you feel stronger, healthier and more confident.

Body awareness

Have you ever experienced coordination issues during workout or group lessons? Felt like you are not 100% in control of your movements? If yes, this benefit is for you. Understanding your body gives you a boost of mental and physical control. During exercises, you can learn how to listen to your body and learn to send the right signals from your brain. Also, it comes very handy if you are an athlete and you want to increase your performance.

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Mobility and flexibility

Flexibility is important not only to brag in your Instagram posts. In general, mobility and flexibility are the cornerstone of physical exercising. With better mobility, your joints and muscles are protected from potential injuries.

Let’s have an example here: ankle mobility. Typically underestimated body part. However, your ankle is the first and major joint that absorbs the shock when your feet hit the ground or if you’re carrying heavy weights. If the ankle lacks mobility, this force will be absorbed by other joints but mostly by your knees. So yes, knee pain may find its origins from poor ankle mobility, bear it in mind.

Enhanced sport performance

We already mentioned why body awareness and mobility can be beneficial for your sport performance. But, let’s not forget about one crucial element – the breath itself. Pilates uses a special breathing pattern during the practice. Keeping this pattern during exercising helps enhancing the precision of the movement and effectiveness of the exercises.

Remember we talked about the importance of body alignment and posture? One important link between posture and sport performance is the lung capacity. Practicing to breathe correctly and giving your lungs the opportunity to function normally, enhances endurance, performance and cuts down on recovery time.

Weight loss

Pilates is not only about re-educating your body. One of the side effects of having healthy lean muscles and strong core is weight loss. If you practice regularly, it will help you to change your body composition. In general, the best formula to lose weight is to burn more calories than you consume – pilates will help you with that.

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Core strength

One of the most popular benefits of the pilates method. Our core muscles are: deep muscles of the back, abdomen and pelvic floor. These muscles are the base of our body, when these muscles are strong your body structure is well-supported. In pilates you can find plenty of different exercises to improve core strength and endurance in various ways.

I would also mention here that a strong core would also help you to learn how to ‘pull your belly in’ correctly, which is a very important element of many abdominal exercises and healthy pelvic floor.

Positive effect on nervous system

Building elements of the pilates method are: centering, concentration, control, precision, breath and flow.

During a pilates class, you get fully involved in the movements, your mind and whole nervous system is completely occupied to give maximum attention to the process. Pilates can teach you to focus your attention, which has a very nice effect – it calms you down.

Some studies even highlighted the mood boosting effect of exercising pilates regularly: it helps to reduce anxiety, release negative energy and even improve sleep. (“Acute effects of Pilates on mood states among young adult males” by K. M Fleming, M. Campbell, M. P Herring)

Boosts energy

When you are balanced physically and mentally, your feel-good hormones a.k.a. endorphins will flood your body with positive energy, meanwhile the specific breath patterns from exercising will help you to calm down after a stressful day.

“Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness.”

Joseph Hubertus Pilates

Pilates is never boring

If all above was not convincing enough, let me tell you this. Pilates is indeed never boring, it gives you a lot of options and methods which will help you to find your own motivation in exercising. There are some different types of pilates, such as:

  • Classical Pilates,
  • Mat Pilates,
  • Contemporary Pilates,
  • Reformer Pilates,
  • Clinical Pilates and many other

Also, some instructors can have their very own and unique style, which makes exercising exciting and playful. If you don’t feel like going to a class, you can always grab a mat and download some pilates apps or simply choose an instructor you like on Youtube.

You really don’t need a lot to start, just comfy clothes and a mat. Later, you can always try out some pilates equipment such as pilates ball. Balance pad, ankle weight etc., sky is the limit!

I hope this article inspired you to give pilates a try!

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