Thai Pasta Salad Recipe

Try out our Thai Pasta Salad recipe from our Healthy recipes collection!


(2 Servings)

112 g of brown rice pasta
224 g of shrimp
1 carrot, cut into ribbons
1 red bell pepper, sliced
1/4 cup of green onions
1/4 cup of Tamari
2 tbsp of peanut butter
Juice of 1 lime
Salt & pepper
1 tsp of coconut oil
6 cups of water


(per serving)

Fat: 10 g
Carbs: 60 g
Protein: 26 g
Total Calories: 422 Calories


  1. Place a pot with 6 cups of water on the stove top and bring to a boil
  2. Once the water is boiling add in the brown rice pasta.
  3. While the pasta is cooking, place a pan on medium heat with the coconut oil, carrot ribbons, and the red bell pepper.
  4. Once the vegetables have softened remove them from the pan and set aside.
  5. Place the shrimps in the pan and cook until they are pink.
  6. Once the pasta is done, drain and rinse it then transfer it to a large bowl.
  7. In a small bowl, mix together the Tamari, peanut butter, lime juice, salt and pepper.
  8. Add it to the pasta along with the cooked veggies, shrimps.
  9. Serve with fresh green onions on top.
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