Primal Movement: A Sustainable Fitness Trend for the Future

Primal movement has been gaining traction in the fitness world, with many enthusiasts and experts heralding it as the next big trend in exercise. As the name suggests, primal movement focuses on returning to the roots of human movement, emphasizing the basic and functional patterns that have evolved over millennia. This approach to fitness embraces simplicity and instinct, allowing individuals to engage with their bodies in a more natural and intuitive manner.

The popularity of primal movement is driven by a desire to reconnect with our ancestral ways of moving, creating a refreshed sense of balance and grounding in an increasingly complex and sedentary world. This fitness trend incorporates a range of exercises based on fundamental movements such as bending, rotating, pushing, pulling, and walking. The goal is to build strength, flexibility, and coordination by honing in on the innate ways our bodies are designed to move.

While the concept of primal movement holds promise for those seeking a more authentic and holistic approach to fitness, it’s essential to critically examine its long-term viability. Is primal movement here to stay as a sustainable trend, or is it merely passing fad destined to fade into obscurity? Delving into the research, the benefits, and the practical applications of this approach will help determine its staying power in the ever-evolving world of health and wellness.

What is Primal Movement

The Basics

Primal movement is a fitness approach that focuses on the foundational movements that humans have been performing throughout history. It is based on the idea of reconnecting with our body’s natural movement patterns to support functional, balanced, and healthy movement in day-to-day life.

Fundamental Movements

These primal movement patterns, also known as functional or foundational movements, are the basic actions we do daily and are essential for our overall well-being. Some examples of fundamental movements include squatting, lunging, pushing, pulling, and rotating. By incorporating these movements into exercise routines, individuals can improve their posture, balance, and stability.

Natural Movement

The concept of primal movement also emphasizes the importance of natural, instinctual movement. Similar to intuitive eating, which encourages people to trust their body’s signals when making food choices, primal movement encourages individuals to move in a way that feels right and instinctual for their body. By tapping into our innate understanding of movement, we can better promote our physical health and engage our muscles more efficiently.

Benefits of Primal Movement

Physical Health

Primal movement patterns can contribute to overall physical health in various ways. One significant benefit is increased strength, as these exercises use the body in natural and functional ways. Furthermore, primal movement can enhance mobility and flexibility, allowing for a greater range of motion in muscles and joints. Improved coordination and endurance are also common results of engaging in this type of exercise.

Injury Prevention

Practicing primal movement patterns can help prevent injuries by promoting a resilient and pain-free body. The exercises often lead to decreased pain and discomfort, which is essential for longevity and overall wellness. By focusing on functional training, primal movement exercises target the muscles and connective tissues necessary for stabilizing joints, reducing the risk of injury during daily activities and exercise.


An essential aspect of primal movement is its efficiency in providing a well-rounded workout. The exercises engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, improving stability and balance. This functional approach to training translates to increased efficiency, as the body learns to move as a whole unit rather than in isolated parts. Additionally, incorporating primal movements into a regular fitness routine can lead to more effective recovery, as the body becomes better equipped to handle the physical demands placed on it.

Primal movement workout example

Basic Primal Movement Exercises

Primal movement exercises focus on fundamental movement patterns that engage various muscle groups and promote functional fitness. These exercises work on improving strength, flexibility, coordination, and mobility. This section will cover the primary categories of primal movement exercises: Push and Pull Movements, Squat and Lunge Variations, and Rotational and Hinge Movements.

Push and Pull Movements

Push and pull exercises build upper body strength and help to develop the muscles in the arms, shoulders, chest, and back. Examples of primal push and pull exercises include:

  • Push-ups: A classic movement that targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps.
  • Pull-ups: An upper body exercise that works the back, shoulders, and biceps.

Squat and Lunge Variations

Incorporating squat and lunge variations into your primal movement routine helps strengthen the lower body. Some exercises to try are:

  • Bodyweight squats: A foundational movement for improving overall strength, flexibility, and balance.
  • Lunges: An excellent lower body exercise that targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves.

Rotational and Hinge Movements

Rotational and hinge movements enhance core strength and improve stability. These exercises include:

  • Russian Twist: A rotational movement that targets the obliques and helps improve core stability.
  • Deadlifts: A hinge movement ideal for strengthening the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back while promoting better posture.

Primal movement exercises offer a well-rounded approach to fitness that prioritizes functional strength and mobility. By incorporating these movements into your exercise routine, you can improve overall physical performance and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.

Incorporating Primal Movements into Your Routine

Primal movement is a fitness trend that focuses on functional movement patterns, which can support daily activities and improve overall health. Incorporating primal movements into your routine can be done through various exercise types like cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises.


Cardiovascular exercises like running, walking, and jogging engage primal movement patterns like gait, which can improve endurance and support weight loss goals. To incorporate primal movement into your cardio routine, pay attention to your body mechanics, focusing on proper form and natural movement patterns.

  • Walking: Practice varying speeds and inclines to challenge different muscle groups.
  • Running and Jogging: Include interval training and hill repeats for a well-rounded workout.

Strength Training

Strength training with primal movements involves exercises that engage the body’s natural tendency to push, pull, squat, and lift. These exercises can help you build strength and muscle while supporting functional movement patterns essential for daily living.

  • Pushing Movements: Push-ups and dips develop upper body strength.
  • Pulling Movements: Exercises like pull-ups, rows, and chin ups target back and arm muscles.
  • Squats: Target the lower body by performing variations of squats, such as single-leg, goblet, and sumo squats.
  • Bending or Hinge: Variations of Deadlifts and hyperextension develop core and lower back.


Primal movement routines should also address flexibility and balance, as these are essential components of functional movement patterns. Incorporating flexibility exercises into your routine can also help offset the impact of long hours spent sitting at a desk.

  • Yoga: Practicing yoga can greatly improve your flexibility and balance through various poses that target muscle groups and promote functional movement.
  • Dynamic Stretching: Include dynamic stretches like leg swings, arm circles, and hip openers in your warm-ups to prepare your body for primal movement exercises.
  • Static Stretching: Finish your workouts with static stretches to focus on lengthening tight muscles and improving flexibility.

By incorporating these primal movement exercises into your routine, you can support your body’s natural movement patterns, achieve weight loss goals, and improve overall health while engaging in cardio, strength training, and flexibility workouts.

Back-to-Basics Approach and Exercise Trends

Millennials and Gen X Fitness Preferences

Both millennials and Gen X generations are constantly seeking new and innovative ways to stay healthy and fit. As a result, they have been influential in shaping workout trends in recent years. One emerging fitness trend that appeals to these demographics is the back-to-basics approach, which focuses on functional movements and exercises that support how our bodies were designed to move.

Tech Neck and Anti-Tech Workouts

The increasing reliance on technology has led to various health issues, such as “tech neck”, caused by constantly staring at screens with a forward head posture. In response, anti-tech workouts have gained popularity, offering a chance for people to disconnect from their devices and reconnect with their bodies. One such anti-tech exercise is primal movement, which emphasizes natural body movements that our ancestors may have used in their daily lives, such as squats, deadlifts, and bear crawls.

Pinterest Predicts

According to the Pinterest Predicts 2023 trends report, primal movement, referred to as “primitive, anti-tech workouts”, is predicted to be the year’s most significant fitness trend. The report highlights the focus on reconnecting with how our bodies were designed to move through these types of exercises, catering to the preferences of both millennials and Gen X.

In summary, the back-to-basics approach in exercise trends, specifically primal movement, is gaining traction among millennials and Gen X individuals who seek to alleviate the consequences of modern technology on their bodies. As technology continues to be an integral part of daily life, this fitness trend provides a counterbalance, promoting a reconnection with our body’s natural movement patterns.

Expert Opinions on Primal Movements

Coaches and Fitness Professionals

Many coaches and fitness professionals have endorsed primal movements as an effective way to improve one’s fitness and overall health. Primal movement expert TJ Mentus believes that incorporating these natural movement patterns into one’s exercise routine can lead to better posture, balance, and stability. Additionally, Rachel Vaziralli, a fitness professional at Orangetheory, agrees that primal exercises have the potential to engage more muscles and help people move their bodies as they were designed to do.

As a holistic approach to fitness, primal movement focuses on functional exercises that humans have naturally engaged in for centuries. A primary theme among coaches is that primal movements enhance one’s core strength, flexibility, mobility, and coordination. Experts such as Kira Jones Matousek explains that primal movements allow our bodies to follow their instincts, emphasizing the importance of body awareness and proper form in executing these exercises.

While some fitness trends may come and go, several experts concur that the benefits of incorporating primal movement patterns into one’s training regime are long-lasting and far-reaching.

Success Stories

The rise of primal movement in the fitness world is supported by various success stories of those who have tried this approach to exercise. Many individuals have reported improvements in their functional fitness, flexibility, and overall body strength after incorporating primal exercises into their routines.

The growing visibility of primal movement in fitness studios and online platforms, such as Pinterest and TikTok has also sparked a surge in interest and subsequent success stories from individuals worldwide.

These testimonials, along with the support of coaches and fitness professionals, underscore the potential benefits of making primal movement a regular part of one’s fitness journey.


Primal movement, as a fitness trend, emphasizes the simplicity of our ancestors’ way of moving, focusing on functional exercises. These exercises include lifting, pushing, pulling, twisting, bending, crawling, climbing, squatting, and walking/sprinting, which engage the whole body and help in improving posture, balance, and stability.

Incorporating mindfulness into primal movement allows a deeper connection with the body, enhancing focus and mental strength. Practitioners can also experience the joy of play as they engage in these exercises, making it an enjoyable fitness journey.

The results of primal movement are evident in daily life, as participants find it easier to perform everyday activities. These functional movements promote better coordination, flexibility, and overall strength, leading to a healthier and stronger self.

While the recent surge in popularity might give the impression of a passing fad, the efficacy of primal movement exercises has been tested over time. Its focus on natural, functional patterns and an emphasis on mindfulness and play suggest that primal movement is here to stay, offering a grounded and effective approach to fitness.

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