Exercises for the Long Head of the Triceps: Effective Techniques and Tips

The long head of the triceps is an often-neglected muscle group that contributes to overall arm strength and definition. As the largest of the three heads, the long head is responsible for stabilizing the shoulder joint and assisting in various arm movements. Ensuring adequate training of the long head not only improves athletic performance but also helps create a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing physique.

There are several effective exercises that specifically target the long head of the triceps, enabling individuals to realize their fitness potential. Many of these exercises can be performed with minimal equipment, making them accessible for people of all fitness levels. In the following sections, we will discuss some of the best exercises for training the long head, along with proper form and technique to achieve optimal results.

Anatomy of the Long Head of the Triceps

Triceps Muscle Structure

The triceps muscle, located in the upper arm, consists of three distinct heads: the long head, the lateral head, and the medial head. These heads work together to enable extension and stabilization of the arm, particularly during movements involving the elbow and shoulder joints. The long head of the triceps is unique among the three, as it is the only one that crosses over the shoulder joint, allowing it to be preferentially targeted through specific exercises.

  • Long Head: Positioned at the back of the arm, this part of the triceps has the most potential for growth and is responsible for the arm’s overall contour.
  • Lateral Head: Located on the outer side of the upper arm, this section is primarily responsible for providing additional strength during arm extension.
  • Medial Head: Found closer to the body, this head plays a more supportive role in overall arm stability.
Anatomy of the Long Head of the Triceps

Functions of the Long Head Triceps

The long head triceps serves a variety of functions in the upper arm, all of which contribute to the arm’s overall movement and stability. Some key functions of the long head triceps are:

  1. Elbow Extension: The long head triceps plays a significant role in extending the elbow, allowing the arm to straighten from a bent position.
  2. Shoulder Joint Stabilization: As the only triceps head that crosses the shoulder joint, the long head tricep is essential for stabilizing the shoulder during various movements.
  3. Arm Adduction: The long head triceps is also involved in adducting, or moving the arm closer to the body, during certain activities. This function is particularly important during activities that require arm movement in multiple planes.

Understanding the anatomy and function of the long head triceps not only assists in identifying the appropriate exercises to target and develop this muscle but also helps in preventing injury and maintaining proper form during these movements.

Benefits of Long Head Triceps Exercises

Long head triceps exercises offer a variety of benefits for individuals looking to improve their overall upper body strength and appearance. These exercises specifically target the long head of the triceps muscle, one of the three heads that make up the triceps muscle group.

One of the primary benefits of long head triceps exercises is their contribution to muscle growth in the arms. By strengthening and building the long head of the triceps, individuals can achieve more balanced and well-defined arms. This can be especially advantageous for athletes and bodybuilders, as well as those looking to enhance their upper body aesthetics.

Another benefit of incorporating long head triceps exercises into a workout routine is the improvement in the range of motion in the shoulder joint. Since the long head of the triceps crosses the shoulder joint, it plays a role in shoulder extension and stabilization during various exercises such as bench press, rows, and pull-ups. Strengthening the long head can lead to better overall shoulder function and stability, reducing the risk of injuries.

Moreover, long head triceps exercises help to enhance overall upper body strength. By working out the triceps muscles, individuals can increase their performance in other compound lifts, such as bench press, push-ups, and dips. A stronger triceps muscle can also contribute to improved grip strength for other exercises requiring forearm and hand strength.

Finally, long head triceps exercises can improve an individual’s versatility in their workout routine, as they can be modified to suit various fitness levels. This makes these exercises accessible to both beginners and experienced lifters. A diverse exercise regimen incorporating long head triceps exercises can lead to continuous progress and prevent plateaus in strength and muscle growth.

Best Long Head Triceps Exercises

Close-Grip Bench Press

The close-grip bench press targets the long head of the triceps by emphasizing the concentric phase of the movement. To perform this exercise, lie on a flat bench and hold a barbell with a grip slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart. Slowly lower the barbell to your chest, keeping your elbows close to your body. Then, press the barbell back to the starting position, fully extending your arms. This compound exercise not only targets the long head of the triceps but also engages the chest and shoulders during the movement. For best results, incorporate close-grip bench press into your routine with 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps. 

Overhead Triceps Extension

Overhead tricep extensions are an isolation exercise that specifically targets the long head of the triceps. This exercise can be performed using a dumbbell, a barbell, cable machine, or resistance bands. To perform the dumbbell version, hold a single dumbbell with both hands, positioning it overhead with arms fully extended. Slowly lower the dumbbell behind your head by bending your elbows, then extend your arms to return to the starting position. The key to this exercise is maintaining control throughout the movement and keeping your elbows stable. Add this exercise to your routine with 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps for optimal triceps development.

Tricep Dips

Tricep dips are another compound exercise that effectively targets the long head of the triceps, while also engaging the chest and shoulders. Dips can be performed on parallel bars, a bench, or a dip station. To perform dips, lower your body by bending your elbows until your upper arms are parallel to the floor, then push yourself back up to the starting position, fully extending your arms. Ensure proper form and controlled movement to maximize tricep engagement. It’s recommended to perform 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps of tricep dips for balanced growth.

Skull Crushers

Skull crushers, also known as lying tricep extensions, are an isolation exercise that effectively targets the long head of the triceps. To perform this exercise, lie on a flat bench with an EZ bar or dumbbells. With arms fully extended, slowly lower the weight towards your forehead by bending your elbows, then extend your arms to return to the starting position. The key is to maintain control and prevent any bouncing or swinging during the exercise. Include skull crushers in your routine with 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps for optimal triceps size and strength.

By incorporating these exercises into your workout routine, and focusing on proper form, the long head of your triceps will progressively strengthen and develop.

Training Tips for Long Head Triceps Development

Proper Technique and Form

To effectively develop the long head of the triceps, it’s crucial to maintain proper technique and form during exercises. Incorrect form can lead to injury and hinder progress. Here are a few tips to ensure correct form:

  • Keep your elbows close to your body during exercises like triangle push-ups or close-grip bench press.
  • Focus on slow and controlled movements rather than using momentum to complete a rep.
  • Make sure to fully extend your arm at the end of the movement and flex the triceps for optimal muscle engagement.

If you’re unsure about your form, working with a personal trainer can be incredibly beneficial. They can provide guidance and monitor your progress to ensure you’re executing each exercise correctly.

Optimizing Exercise Selection

In order to develop the long head of the tricep, it’s essential to optimize your exercise selection. Some exercises, like standing overhead extensions, target the long head more effectively than others. Incorporate a variety of exercises into your triceps training routine to target all three tricep heads and encourage overall muscle development. Here are some key exercises to include:

  • Triangle push-ups
  • Cable overhead extensions
  • French presses
  • Incline overhead extensions
  • Resistance band triceps extensions

Consistency in your training is essential. Incorporate triceps training into your workouts at least twice a week for bigger arms. Don’t forget to balance out triceps work with exercises targeting biceps and other muscle groups in the arm for a well-rounded appearance.

Adding these exercises to your gym routine and focusing on proper form can help you develop the long head of the tricep with more precision. Remember, consistency, variety, and technique are key in achieving that desired muscle growth.

How to Integrate Triceps Workouts into Your Routine

In this section, we discuss methods for effectively incorporating triceps exercises into your workout routine to target the long head of the triceps. This process involves balancing workout frequency, push and pull exercises, and implementing a variety of muscle groups.

Daily and Weekly Frequency

When planning your triceps workouts, it’s important to consider both daily and weekly frequency. Aim for a balanced approach that won’t lead to overtraining or injuries. A general guideline to follow is to target the triceps 2-3 times a week with various exercises, ensuring enough recovery time between sessions.

For instance, you could arrange your workouts this way:

  • Monday: Triceps-focused exercises
  • Wednesday: Balanced push and pull workout, including triceps exercises
  • Friday: Full-body workout, involving triceps and other muscle groups

Balancing Push and Pull Exercises

To create a well-rounded workout routine, it’s essential to include a balance of pushing and pulling exercises. By doing so, you ensure that you’re working both the triceps and their antagonist muscles, like the biceps.

Incorporate a mix of bodyweight exercises and resistance-based exercises as these involve different muscle groups, and can provide a more targeted approach.

Here is an example of a balanced push and pull workout routine:

Push ExercisesPull Exercises
1. Close Grip Push-ups1. Chin-ups
2. Bench Press2. Barbell Rows
3. Overhead Triceps Press3. Bicep Curls
Push Pull exercises

Targeting Different Muscle Groups

For optimal results, ensure that your workout routine targets various muscle groups, including those that synergize with the triceps. This approach helps create a balanced physique and prevents potential muscle imbalances.

In addition to triceps-focused exercises, consider incorporating these exercises that target different muscle groups:

  • Chest: Dumbbell Chest Press, Incline Push-ups
  • Back: Bent-over Rows, Lat Pull-downs
  • Shoulders: Shoulder Press, Lateral Raises
  • Legs: Lunges, Squats
  • Core: Planks, Leg Raises

Remember, integrating triceps workouts properly into your routine can help effectively target the long head of the triceps while promoting overall muscle balance and preventing overtraining.


Incorporating long head triceps exercises into a workout routine can help enhance overall arm strength, flexibility, and appearance. A combination of exercises, including those that target the long head of the triceps, is essential for comprehensive arm development and balanced muscle growth.

Some effective long head triceps exercises to consider are:

  • Triangle Push-ups
  • Overhead dumbbell extension
  • Overhead cable extension
  • Lying tricep extension
  • Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press

Consistency and variation in training are crucial factors in achieving desired outcomes. It is important to regularly perform these exercises and incorporate others to target different muscles of the arm, ensuring a well-rounded and robust workout plan.

When planning an efficient long head triceps workout, don’t forget to consider factors such as the appropriate amount of sets, repetitions, and rest intervals. Depending on an individual’s fitness level and goals, these variables can be adjusted to meet their specific needs.

In conclusion, selecting specific exercises focusing on the long head of the triceps and incorporating them into a comprehensive workout routine may lead to increased muscle mass and strength, improved functionality, and overall balanced arm development. As always, it is recommended to consult with a fitness professional or expert when creating a personalized workout plan to ensure safety and effectiveness.

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