Chicken Teriyaki Bowl Recipe

Try out our Chicken Teriyaki Bowl recipe from our Healthy recipes collection!


(2 Servings)

1 tsp of coconut oil
240 g of chicken breast, sliced
1/2 cup of dry basmati rice
2 cups of broccoli floret
2 carrots, sliced
1 cup of snap peas
2 tbsp of sesame oil
2 tbsp of Tamari sauce
2 tsp of honey
Salt and pepper


(per serving)

Fat: 12 g
Carbs: 62 g
Protein: 32 g
Total Calories: 489 Calories


  1. Place a pan on medium heat and add the coconut oil.
  2. Add the chicken breast slices and cook until done.
  3. Place the rice with one cup of water in a pot, bring to a boil then cover and reduce to low heat for 12 minutes.
  4. Once the chicken is done add in all the cover, cover and allow them to soften.
  5. In a small bowl mix the Teriyaki sauce by combining the sesame oil, Tamari sauce, honey, salt and pepper.
  6. Add the sauce to the pan, mix well and sauté for an additional three minutes.
  7. Plate the rice and Teriyaki mixture together.
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