Banana Pancakes Recipe

Try out our Banana Pancakes from our Healthy recipes collection!


1 Banana
2 Eggs
1 Cup of Mixed Berries
1 Tbsp of Maple Syrup
1 tsp of Ground Cinnamon
1 tsp of Coconut Oil


Fat: 25 g
Carbs: 58 g
Protein: 15 g
Total Calories: 492 Calories


  1. In a bowl, combine the banana, two eggs and the cinnamon. Use a hand blender or a fork to combine everything. Aim for a consistency similar to pancake batter.
  2. Place a frying pan on medium heat and melt the coconut oil. Slowly add the batter in the pan forming 5 inch diameter pancakes. Place the cover on and cook for a couple minutes on each side.
  3. Repeat until you have cooked the whole batch.
  4. Top with berries and maple syrup
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