Asian Beef Lettuce Wrap Recipe

Try out our Asian Beef Lettuce Wrap recipe from our Healthy recipes collection!


(2 Servings)

1 tbsp of sesame oil
340 g of ground beef
2 tbsp of Tamari sauce
1 head of iceberg lettuce
1 carrot, shredded
2 tbsp of sesame seeds
Salt and pepper


(per serving)

Fat: 24 g
Carbs: 9 g
Protein: 38 g
Total Calories: 443 Calories


  1. Place a pan on medium heat and add the sesame oil.
  2. Cook the ground beef until well done.
  3. Once the beef is done add in the Tamari sauce, salt and pepper.
  4. Create taco shells with iceberg leaves, and add the beef.
  5. Top with shredded carrots and sesame seeds.
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